The Springfield News-Leader has launched a public-service journalism project to focus public attention on critical challenges facing children, foster discussion and build on existing initiatives. You can read Executive Editor David Stoeffler's introductory column for more information on the project.
The recently created News-Leader's Every Child community advisory committee -- with representatives from the business, government, education, nonprofit, law enforcement, health and faith sectors -- will play an important role. It will educate and advise journalists and help engage other stakeholders and the general public in a discussion and, ultimately, action.
Home-life worries can disrupt ability to learn
May 14, 2013Third-grade teacher Maria Tate can’t erase the worries that follow her students to class.
Kindergarten preparedness makes a difference by third grade
May 14, 2013Children who enter kindergarten ready to learn are more likely to be on track by the critical third-grade year.
At school: Parents can also star — or fail
May 14, 2013Parental involvement is crucial to a child’s success in elementary school. Not only must parents monitor and help with homework, they have to be a stable enforcer of bedtime in the evening and out-the-door time in the morning.
Early warning: Teachers work to reach students at different ability levels
May 13, 2013Six different reading groups rotate through the six different reading stations. The classroom is jam-packed with instructive wall hangings and teacher Tabitha Eutsler’s exuberance.
Behavior problems can be distraction; for third-graders, most are minor
May 13, 2013In third grade, the most common classroom disruptions come from children who want to socialize when they’re supposed to be learning.
Title I intervention a vital but limited help for kids struggling early
May 13, 2013About 980 young children, struggling in math, reading or both, have received extra help this year through the Springfield Public Schools’ Title I program.
Third-grade milestones:Others have feelings, abstract thinking, games have rules
May 13, 2013There are rules to games. Other people actually have feelings. You don’t have to see and touch 10 plastic blocks to know what the number 10 means.
Holding children back called 'the last option'
May 12, 2013Missouri school districts are expected to boost the skills of students with the poorest reading skills — or hold them back a year.
Tips for parents to make third grade a success
May 12, 2013Experts offered some tips for parents who are trying to ensure their children have a successful third grade.
A busy day of learning and playing
May 12, 20137:25 a.m.
Special report on third-graders: How we did the project
May 12, 2013To bring you this special report, we sent three reporters back to elementary school.
Math, reading and knock-knock jokes
May 12, 2013Third grade is a time of multiplication, division, reading and writing, and, of course, knock-knock jokes.
Third grade: How are Springfield students faring?
May 12, 2013Experts call third grade a pivotal year for children: the first year of standardized testing; the transition to the A-F grading system; applying skills instead of simply learning them.
Third-graders learning importance of responsibility, along with academics
May 12, 2013Kali Weidmann is among the first to arrive, nearly 25 minutes before the morning bell rings at York Elementary, on the northwest side of Springfield. The newly appointed
'It feels never-ending'
May 12, 2013Weller Elementary teacher Shayla Bernelis arrives an hour before the first bell.
Third Grade: Want to help?
May 12, 2013Here are groups working with Springfield Public Schools to help needy children:
What third graders are expected to learn
May 12, 2013Below is a summary of information third graders are expected to learn and skills they are expected to master.
Third Grade: How we did it
May 12, 2013To bring you this special report, we sent three reporters back to elementary school.
More than half of third-graders fall short of state test goal
May 12, 2013For children going through elementary school, third grade presents the first major academic fork in the road.
Every Child advisory board suggests issues to address in Ozarks children's education
January 20, 2013Staff at Springfield’s schools see the full range of issues, barriers and obstacles children deal with on a daily basis.
Every Child continues to teach
June 23, 2012It was the kind of photo that made you want to turn your head away, or simply turn the page. Published with a story Feb. 5 as part of our Every Child series, the picture conjured up thoughts of starving children in faraway Third World countries.
Mentors provide strong role models for students
June 2, 2012Of the 300 children who attend Weaver Elementary, only about 15 have a weekly lunch buddy.
Daily struggles can keep kids from learning
June 2, 2012When Robberson Elementary Principal Kevin Huffman arrived at work after a night in the emergency room with a relative, he was distracted and grumpy.
School district's efforts show signs of progress
June 2, 2012Superintendent Norm Ridder said a growing enrollment and the lowest number of dropouts in ‘over 20 years’ were among the successes of the 2011-12 year.
Program puts focus on importance of healthful foods
May 26, 2012Sometimes we need to rethink and relearn what we should be eating, says Torrie Bedell, mother and stepmother of four. This realization came after Bedell went through Family First, a pilot program under the nonprofit Heart of the Ozarks.
Nutritious options don't have to cost much
May 26, 2012Many low-income families struggle to feed their families healthy food when they’re on a tight budget. But there are nutritious buys for less than $1 a serving and many are 50 cents a serving (less than a candy bar).
Parents as Teachers pays dividends
May 19, 2012The Mayor’s Commission for Children is a citizen advisory board with the purpose of studying the needs of young children in our community.
The basic skills for kindergarten
April 29, 2012Springtime signals a new beginning for many things. Nearly two thousand families in Springfield will have a kindergartener to get ready for school this fall.
Principal foresees a successful future for Robberson
March 31, 2012Kevin Huffman talks about Robberson Elementary as “my school” and the students there as “my kids.” He has been the Robberson principal for 16 years, the longest stretch any current Springfield principal has been at a building.
Community school concept excites many
March 31, 2012Twice in the past 12 years, families at Robberson Elementary fought just to keep the school doors open. They successfully defeated efforts to close the landlocked, three-story building on busy Kearney Street, just a block west of National Avenue.
Tulsa-Springfield connection continues
March 31, 2012Years before Springfield school officials went to Tulsa to look at the “community school” concept, Tulsa was looking to Springfield for inspiration.
Schools are the life of the neighborhood
March 31, 2012Much higher test scores. Happy kids who are excited to learn. Supportive parents involved in decision-making. That’s what “community schools” have achieved in some of Tulsa’s poorest neighborhoods. Now, Springfield hopes it can happen here.
Working hard toward child abuse prevention
February 5, 2012It began as a very simple idea: Why don’t we prepare future parents for what we know they’ll face? Tantrums will come. Frustration with a baby’s constant crying is inevitable. Junior is not always going to be fun or cute.
Schools search for solution
November 4, 2011Hunger and a lack of food was ranked No. 1 on a survey of Springfield students’ most pressing needs.