Our Work
The five committees met around the issues of early child care, early childhood education, safe and secure environments, health and proper nutrition and health. There were some key assumptions we made as we began the work. The plan must be long term, with a sustainable commitment and focus, including a dedicated Child Advocate. There was a sense of urgency based on high awareness of need and cuts in current funding. Anything proposed must have a universal, voluntary accessibility. We are committed to local focus, control and funding. The partners must include the faith community, businesses, agencies, educators, and most importantly parents. This is a humanitarian issue and an economic development issue. There must be broad community ownership. Whatever we plan to do must be incremental, measurable and accountable over time. Finally, it must be simple to communicate.
The committees met during September and October, 2013, and developed long term objectives with clear metrics. Following the development of a framework, the public comment phase welcomed the community’s input. The final draft went to the ECP Executive Committee for approval in December, 2013. Beginning in 2014, pilot projects began to insure fulfillment of the promise to children and their families.
To view each of the five committee reports, check out the NEWS tab and click on the report that interests you. If you would like to make a comment, please complete the CONTACT form.